Financial Options

Fund Your Treatment for a Better Tomorrow

We understand that pursuing comprehensive treatment at our serene haven is an investment in your emotional well-being. To ensure accessibility, we offer discerning individuals multiple financial options, tailoring possibilities to your unique circumstances.

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Individual Funding

At Avanti, we are dedicated to ensuring that funding your personalized program is seamless. Our team will conduct an initial conversation understanding your current circumstances, after which they will provide you with a detailed quote. Once you have finalized your tailored program through the completion of a brief assessment, our Clinical Team will thoroughly review it, ensuring every aspect is meticulously designed to support your journey to recovery. To offer unparalleled convenience, we provide both direct debit and credit card options, and promptly supply you with invoices and receipts upon payment.

Photo of a woman staring at nowhere smiling while resting her face on her fist

401 (k) Plan

Avanti goes beyond addiction detox, prioritizing patients’ comprehensive recovery. It not only supports holistic rehabilitation but also assists them in navigating their 401(k) benefits for streamlined access to services. By addressing both physical and financial well-being, Avanti empowers individuals to build a healthier future, ensuring a strong foundation for their overall wellness journey.

Veteran Finance Programs

At Avanti, we honor and deeply respect the service and sacrifices made by the Veterans of our country. As a distinguished haven for comprehensive healing, we are dedicated to working closely with individuals in this esteemed community, facilitating applications to the DVA Health Approvals Board. Our Intake Team will provide clear guidelines on the information required and coordinate the completion of an Intake Assessment, ensuring that your application to the DVA Health Approvals Board is meticulously prepared and thoughtfully submitted.

Photo of two hands shaking
A group of people looking at one laptop having fun

Health Insurance

Avanti facilitates seamless access to its services for discerning individuals with private or government insurance. Through efficient coordination and personalized guidance, Avanti ensures that individuals can navigate their insurance coverage effectively. This approach not only eases the financial burden but also empowers patients to focus on their recovery journey with the assurance of comprehensive support, fostering a path towards lasting wellness.

Initiate Your Healing Journey with Avanti Today

If you or your loved one is seeking superior care for addiction and a transformative healing experience, reach out to Avanti today. Our compassionate team is committed to guiding you towards a brighter, healthier future, free from the constraints of addiction. Take that crucial first step towards recovery and commence your journey of renewal with Avanti.
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